Transitioning to Primary School: A Guide for Parents and Children πŸŒŸπŸ“šπŸŽ’

Transitioning to Primary School: A Guide for Parents and Children πŸŒŸπŸ“šπŸŽ’
Transitioning to Primary School: A Guide for Parents, and Children πŸŒŸπŸ“šπŸŽ’

The transition from nursery to primary school is a significant milestone in a child's life. It's a period filled with excitement, curiosity, and sometimes anxiety. As educators and parents, our role is to ensure this transition is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Understanding the challenges and providing the right support can make a world of difference for young children.

Here at Banana Moon, we support transitions by: 🌈🏫

  1. Familiarization Visits:
    • We Arrange visits to the primary school (when applicable) to help children become familiar with the new environment. This can include classroom visits, meeting future teachers, and exploring the playground, we also offer for the primary schools to visit us here and talk to the children in there classrooms and also meet the parents. 
  2. Transition Activities:
    • Incorporate activities that simulate a primary school setting, such as structured play, following a timetable, and practicing sitting at desks.
  3. Storytelling and Discussions:
    • Use stories and discussions to talk about what to expect in primary school. Books about starting school can be particularly helpful.
  4. Skill Development:
    • Focus on developing key skills such as independence, listening, and following instructions. Encourage self-care skills like dressing, using the toilet independently, and managing personal belongings.
  5. Communication with Primary Schools:
    • Establish strong communication channels with local primary schools to understand their expectations and share relevant information about each child’s needs and strengths.

How Parents Can Support the Transition πŸ’–πŸ‘ͺ

  1. Talk About School Positively:
    • Discuss the upcoming change positively to build excitement. Share your own positive school experiences to create a sense of anticipation and joy.
  2. Establish Routines:
    • Gradually establish a routine that mirrors the school day, including consistent wake-up times, meal times, and bedtimes. This helps children adjust to the new schedule.
  3. Encourage Independence:
    • Give children opportunities to practice tasks independently, such as dressing, packing their school bags, and organizing their belongings.
  4. Visit the School Together:
    • Take your child to visit the school, if possible. Familiarity with the environment can reduce anxiety.
  5. Read Books About Starting School:
    • Share books that talk about starting school. Discuss the stories and address any fears or questions your child might have.
  6. Stay Calm and Positive:
    • Children can pick up on parental anxiety. Stay calm, and positive, and reassure your child that feeling nervous is normal and everything will be okay.

Understanding and Addressing Children's Anxiety and Stress 😟🧸

  1. Recognize the Signs:
    • Be aware of signs of anxiety such as clinginess, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, or physical complaints like stomachaches.
  2. Open Communication:
    • Encourage children to express their feelings. Listen attentively and validate their emotions without dismissing their concerns.
  3. Provide Reassurance:
    • Offer constant reassurance and remind them that it’s normal to feel nervous about new experiences. Emphasize the fun and exciting aspects of school.
  4. Use Role Play:
    • Engage in role-playing scenarios where children can practice school routines. This can demystify the experience and build confidence.
  5. Maintain Consistency:
    • Consistent routines at home can provide a sense of security. Ensure that children have a balanced routine that includes play, rest, and learning.
  6. Create a Connection with the Teacher:
    • Help your child form a bond with their new teacher by talking positively about them and sharing any information that might help the teacher understand your child better.

Conclusion πŸŽ‰βœοΈ

Transitioning to primary school is a crucial phase in a child’s educational journey. With the right support from nurseries and parents, children can navigate this change with confidence and excitement. By preparing them emotionally and practically, we can ensure they start their primary school experience on a positive note. Understanding and addressing their anxieties can help them feel secure and ready to embrace the new adventures that lie ahead.

If you have any questions regarding the transition to school, please do email the nursery at

@BananaMoon - 3 months ago


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We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Tunbridge Wells

Banana Moon Day Nursery, 15-17 Upper Grosvenor Road
Tunbridge Wells

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